Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 3- London Dungeon; 31 July 2006

Mask for orang banyak mulut

Created for talkative housewives.

'Creative' people.....

Time to see how London looked like a few centuries ago.

Took a visit at the London Dungeon located near London Bridge Rail Station. However, we went to Embankment first to purchase fast track tickets with discounts to avoid the long queue at London Dungeon later. Total cost £57.80.

Earlier yesterday we had to convert 100 Euros into £66 as our pound sterling notes were running low. Things are very, very , very expensive in UK for us even we had accustomed to using Euro as our currency.... (Imagine RM 470 = Euro 100 = £66)

We arrived at 10:30 and with the tickets, we bypassed the long line queuing for tickets. I am not sure whether the welcoming staff of the dungeon were suppose to be unfriendly or it is just the Londoners attitude...

The visit started with a photo session where the parent's heads were on the chopping block with Min and Caya were holding the axe. We were supposed to buy the photo later but we found out that their system was down and we posed for nothing....

The tour started with the condition of London during the plague followed by the torture chambers of the prisons. Subsequently we were brought to see the exhibits of serial murders that includes Jack the Ripper. A disappointing 'scary' boat ride was included in the tour. The final show was the great London Fire. After 2 hours of 'scary' fun, it was over. The kids enjoyed being scared but I think I have grown old....

It amazes me that the Mat Salleh can turn their dark side of their country history into money making tourist attraction...

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